by: Sydney Kate Watson- Communications Intern
Shopping small has been an important topic over the years and especially during this pandemic. Unlike large franchises, small businesses have to work harder on marketing and sales. In many places around the country, even New York City, people support these small businesses now more than ever! This is because the pandemic has hit small businesses the worst. Yet, Downtown Huntsville is filled with thriving small businesses, and despite the pandemic, it’s amazing to see them all bouncing with life.
So the question How did Downtown Huntsville small businesses make it through one of the worst economic hits we’ve seen? Although it sounds cliche, the answer to this question is through support. Support from the community and other small businesses has kept our Downtown alive.
Roosevelt & Co. and Elitaire Boutique collaborated this year to support each others businesses.
When the world stopped and went virtual, so did many of these businesses. The small retail businesses in Downtown Huntsville did what they could virtually for them all to succeed. These businesses know who their neighbors are Downtown, which means collaborating and posting about each other on social media as a great way to reach out to the community. They could rally behind each other for support and to share ideas, discuss unique strategies and even vent about the issues their businesses were facing.
Aside from support through a screen, this small business community also lent hands when needed. Huntsville Gear’s beginning is a great example of the small business retail community in Downtown. Business partners Bryan Cole and Shayquawn Austin were in the process of starting their retail business Downtown when COVID-19 began. Once they were able to continue the process of opening their business, neighboring retail business owners even helped to install the drywall in their shop. If that’s not a tight-knit community, we don’t know what is!
Of course, though, no business could survive without customers. Many retail small businesses Downtown had a connection with their customers before the pandemic happened. This connection, and sometimes even friendships, allowed many of these small businesses to stay open. Caley Paige Home and Gifts had opened only 6 months (September 2019) before the COVID-19 shutdowns. The owner, Brooke Busby, believes that the relationships she made with her customers pre-pandemic were the reason her store survived. At the next door over, Kayla Adams from Elitaire Boutique said she has approximately 20 customers' cell phone numbers due to the personal relationships she has built.
“[People] want to come in and feel like they have a friend when they’re shopping, and that’s what we try to do here,” Adams said. “We get to know them, and we become friends with them, and I think that’s what makes shopping fun.”
Huntsville Gear took to social media to thank those that helped them set up their shop.
Adams also mentioned that in any other community, surviving the pandemic would have been more difficult.
As life returns to some normalcy, small businesses Downtown have not forgotten each other. For instance, Huntsville Gear is working on a collaboration with Honest Coffee Roasters that will be coming soon. There is still an unspoken code through the community about sharing posts on social media. So even after the storm of COVID, there is still a bond of support between small retail businesses Downtown.
Each small retail business we spoke with genuinely feels that the Downtown Huntsville community cares about small businesses. When the pandemic began, and many stores reduced their hours, the community realized just how important small businesses are to our way of life in Downtown.
With the distinct importance retail small businesses hold in the Rocket City Center, it is easy to see why so many small businesses thrive here. Some might believe that opening your own small business Downtown might be terrifying or simply a dream. However, many small retailers tell us that’s not the case. “I love Downtown,” Busby said. She regards her business as extremely rewarding. Austin has seen overwhelming success, even though Huntsville Gear has only been open for four weeks. According to Adams, everything has been amazing Downtown, specifically the neighboring small businesses.
Caley Paige Home & Gifts showed how much they care about their customers with a sign saying “Stay Well Huntsville” during the rise of COVID-19 cases.
We feel that Downtown has a community like no other, big city atmosphere with small-town vibes, and that makes a perfect storm for small businesses to thrive. With all these positive regards to the Downtown atmosphere, we hope to see small retail businesses continue to grow in leaps and bounds. Adams believes that the future is very bright for Downtown Huntsville, and Elitaire Boutique has big plans for the future as well. The boutique will announce a big surprise in August, so be on the lookout! Austin, with Huntsville Gear, is looking to host another fashion show, similar to his previous show, with all the boutiques around town this fall. If you are a boutique and interested in the show, please feel free to reach out to Austin.
We greatly appreciate all of our retail small businesses Downtown, and if you are looking for ways to support these businesses, there are plenty! Of course, you can stop by the stores yourself, and when you get there, you might even create these personal relationships with the owners that you simply can’t get at large franchises. You can also stop by a Clinton Row Sidewalk Sale, our Friday Night Art Walks, and the Saturday Outdoor Market at Lowe Mill. These small businesses put a massive amount of time and effort into what they do, they care about their product, and most importantly, they care about their customers. If you are interested in growing a friendship and investing in our community, we encourage you to shop local!